Monday, November 06, 2006

Money (v.001)

Played my first real-money (well, as real as a $1.20 buy-in can be) Sit & Go tourney. (Drumroll please.....)

I came in fifth, which is kind of disappointing as I had first, second, or third place for most of the tourney:

The Mut's first S&G Money (for real)

Not much to say about my play. I caught cards early on, played bully for a while, didn't catch so much later on, but still managed to steal some pots. I think I played pretty well until the blinds started squeezing, then pushed with AJ on the button (which I really didn't need to do at the time), ran into Big Slick in the big blind, and that was all she wrote.

Still, after just shy of two hours of play, I'm up a whopping $2.80 over what I had to start the night. Woo hoo!

Bankroll status: 4.05M PSD, 53.45 USD


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